MIWLA 2023 Visible Vital Interdisciplinary

Envision Interdisciplinary Projects that Promote Your Program

Michigan World Language Association | October 2023


Language programs in Michigan and other parts of the U.S. are under threat. If enrollments drop, if a teacher leaves, if a budget is cut, or if policy changes, world languages could be considered expendable. This workshop will encourage teachers to find a synergy between good pedagogy and advocacy by designing interdisciplinary projects that emphasize proficiency but also connect world languages to other content areas and yield highly visible outcomes. The ACTFL World Readiness Standards include Communication, Connections, and Communities among the 5 C’s, but other C’s also serve learners and teachers well: Collaboration with content area teachers and Creation of websites, displays, and events can help to motivate learners and also raise awareness among administrators, parents, and other potential allies. Teachers will explore strategies and real examples and develop ways to draw attention and support to their efforts without adding huge amounts of work to their already demanding jobs.  


MIWLA 2023 Visible Vital Interdisciplinary

Project Inspiration


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