Proficiency Standards

The following list is grouped by major organizations in our field and provides standards that language teachers and programs are expected to follow.

ACTFL World Readiness Standards

ACTFL Performance Descriptors
Descriptions of Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational communication at Novice, Intermediate, and High ranges. Download the full document for free from this page.

ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines
Describes levels (Novice/Intermediate/Advanced with Low/Mid/High). Note links to language-specific guidelines on left. Download the full document for free from this page.

ACTFL Global Can-Do Benchmarks
Table of Can-Do benchmarks. Click on the colored circles for details and links to PDF descriptions. Download the full document for free from this page.

Intercultural Competence – ACTFL Can-Dos

ACTFL Guiding Principles for Language Learning
Guide including key principles with explanations and examples. 

Interagency Language Roundtable Descriptors and Resources

ILR Interagency Language Roundtable
Descriptors and resources for military, foreign service, and other U.S. government entitities.

Intercultural Competence – ILR Standards

Council of Europe Frameworks and Policies

Council of Europe Language Policy Portal link opens in a new window/tab) 

Council of Europe > Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Proficiency Scale

State Standards – Examples

Michigan DOE standards (Scroll down for World Language),4615,7-140-28753_64839_65510—,00.html
Michigan’s standards – as an example. Every state is different, though many are explicitly aligned with ACTFL.

Guidelines for Language Programs

International Guidelines for Community-Based FLT
Created by a task force of the Coalition for Community-Based Heritage Language Schools

NADSFL Principles of Effective World Language Programs
Created by a task force of the National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages

Seal of Biliteracy

Seal of Biliteracy Implementation
Refer to requirements for earning the Seal of Biliteracy in each state. 

Global Seal of Biliteracy – Qualifying Assessments
Refer to requirements for earning the Global Seal of Biliteracy. 

Teacher Certification and Career Resources

Teacher Certification Degrees Guide
Guide to public school certification and teaching degrees in the U.S.

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