

Constructing Arabic as Heritage: Investment in Language, Literacy, and Identity among Young U.S. Learners

Department of Applied Linguistics & ESL, Georgia State University, 2013

with advisor Gayle Nelson and committee members Diane Belcher, Stephanie Lindemann, and Nadine Sinno

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Articles and Book Sections

Lanier, A. (2023, November). World-readiness for a world in conflict. Language Magazine, 43–48.

Sommer-Farias, B., Poole, F., & Lanier, A. (2023, Fall). Language teacher development via video-based inquiry. The Language Educator, 18(4), 34–38.

De Felice, D., Lanier, A. & Winke, P. (2019). Serving the less-commonly-trained teacher: Perspectives from Arabic instructors. The Qualitative Report, 24(9), 2309-2327. Retrieved from

Lanier Temples, A. (2015) Language and identity. In Bennett, J. (Ed.), Sage Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence (p. 574-578). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Lanier Temples, A. & Nelson, G.L. (2013). Engagement at a distance: Investigating interaction in online intercultural communication using corpus-based tools. In D. D. Belcher & G. L. Nelson (Eds.), Critical and corpus-based approaches to intercultural rhetoric (p. 154-179)Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

Nelson, G.L. & Lanier Temples, A. (2011). Identity construction as nexus of multimembership:   Attempts at reconciliation through an online intercultural course.  Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 10(2), 63-82.

Lanier Temples, A. (2010). Heritage motivation, identity, and the desire to learn Arabic in U.S. early adolescents.  Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, 9, 103-123.   

Book Reviews

Lanier Temples, A. (2015). Book review of Ortega, L. & Gonzalez-Lloret, M. (2014). Technology-mediated task-based language teaching. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Modern Language Journal, 99(3), 629-631.

Lanier Temples, A. (2013). Book review of Macqueen, S. (2012). The emergence of patterns in second language writing: A sociocognitive exploration of lexical trails. Bern: Peter Lang. Modern Language Journal, 97(4), 1010-1011.

Lanier Temples, A. (2013). Book review of Fogle, L. (2012). Second language socialization and learner agency: Talk in three adoptive families. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.    LinguistList (24)963. Available at

Lanier Temples, A. (2010).  Book review of Han, Z. & Anderson, N.J. (Eds).  (2009). Second      language reading research and instruction: Crossing the boundaries.  Ann Arbor:    University of Michigan Press.  Reading in a Foreign Language, 22(2), 343-347.

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